(an untitled poem I wrote on the day she died and completed after I heard the news I — I wrote it oddly, before – had these odd emotions and wrote something dark – not my usual…. first time I am sharing this online.) Hot Sweltering Murderous...
Dark clouds rolling over the land, Warm Blood splattered on the sand. Crags are crying Vultures are dying… The plaintive wail of 45 million voices Wretched. Melancholy. Soul Wrenching. A lone bird cries bravely – cries…Oh so sweetly. the song of...
#neemansadventures Most sneakers I wear don’t last the punishing rigor of my usage, and often the soles come out, or the shoes tear in different places, or the heels wear out – and I go through several pairs a year. So it was with some trepidation and...
And there she wasAcross the oceanStanding proudlyWith that serene smileWhich won my heart, time and again She is my Angel, My Shining Star,An ephemeral epiphany in my lifeThat grew as we both nurtured it,Into an everlasting paradise She is the rock, the steadfastThe...
Saw a Facebook post shared by a friend of a friend: The author makes some interesting points and some of them very much resonate with me. He then makes a logical leap from, I am such a saint and yet I do not protest the government and therefore I am...