My Neeman’s Adventure

My Neeman’s Adventure

#neemansadventures Most sneakers I wear don't last the punishing rigor of my usage, and often the soles come out, or the shoes tear in different places, or the heels wear out - and I go through several pairs a year. So it was with some trepidation and much hope...

Breathe and Push

A message of hope so eloquently delivered. "...what if this darkness is not the darkness of the Tomb, but the darkness of the Womb..." As a former varsity debater and public speaker, I took delight in the display of mastery over those 6 minutes - not a second wasted....

Dark and Stormy Night

By Rishikesh Chhabra. It was a dark and stormy night. [Clichéd beginning / a classic if there ever was one, if I may say so myself…:p]. The wind lashed out against the windowpanes as a torrential downpour kept howling out yonder. I was quietly sipping a steaming...

On Generosity

If there is one goal we should ALL have on our new year resolution - it is to be Generous. Generosity doesn't have to be about money - it is an attitude, a mindset backed by concrete action. So that's my most important resolution for this year. Growing up I have...

Progress and Poverty, Henry George. 1879. Book Review

Book Review: Progress and Poverty, Henry George, New York, November, 1880 Modernized and abridged, 2006 Chilling and prescient. Food for thought. When the Nation-state is sick, only an engaged politically active middle class can counter this kind of ill. That's what...
