A Journey into Friendship

It is twilight as I walk down memory lane
A cool breeze hugs me in a gentle caress
Soft, Svelte, Smiling eyes
Mirrors the blushing white moon

Crowned by the dark blue jeweled sky
And I remember a beautiful friendship
Kindred by the roaring flames of affection
Which melted away that cold wintry chilly night

Black swans on a deep placid lake
Glides with a magnificence that is
Answered by the green forest which
Surrounds this palatial paradise

Waltzing, dancing, strolling, talking,
Soft whispers, laughing crowds,
Clinking glasses, fancy dances,
Whirling, twirling, as the starry sky smiles, twinkling

You snuggle besides me, and softly
Lay your head on my shoulder
As we both dream of pink cherry blossoms
– Each for their own reasons –

The silence stretches…
as we savor the moment –

Sometimes, friendship can be that simple,
Yet so subtle and deep

© Rishikesh Chhabra [17th July 2002]
